The Clever Trick For Chopping Onions Without Crying According To Alton Brown
The Clever Trick For Chopping Onions Without Crying According To Alton Brown
husjur02/Shutterstock Back in January 2021, Brown shared a snap on Twitter in which he was bent over a pile of chopped white onions with a fan on the tabletop beside him, and nary a tear in his eyes, declaring that the ideal way to chop onions was with a fan. In a follow-up tweet, he clarified...
How Alex Guarnaschelli Adds 'Personality' To Her Omelets
How Alex Guarnaschelli Adds 'Personality' To Her Omelets
May-Helen Mogstad/Shutterstock Guarnschelli's omelet addition of choice is documented in her recipe for an Omelet with Fines Herbs (via Food Network), although the versatility of her go-to additions means you could likely incorporate them with whatever omelet variation you want to make. In order...


The Foolproof Technique For Moist Cake Every Time
The Foolproof Technique For Moist Cake Every Time
Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock You've made your cake layers, you've followed the recipe carefully and baked them for the exact right amount of time, yet you're still worried about them being dry (or, perhaps you just really value moistness in your cakes and want to ensure your cake will stun anyone...
Your Pancake Fluff Factor Will Skyrocket With One Simple Key Ingredient
Your Pancake Fluff Factor Will Skyrocket With One Simple Key Ingredient
flyingv3/Shutterstock To craft enviously fluffy pancakes, put down that measuring cup of water and instead pour some seltzer into the mix. The carbonated liquid may seem like a strange choice, but those bubbles are the secret to mouth-watering pancakes that won't end up flat. Chef John Koutsouris...
The Best Hot Chocolate Mixes In 2022
The Best Hot Chocolate Mixes In 2022
Valeri Vatel/Shutterstock When it comes to hot chocolate mixes, there are thousands of options to choose from. We're recommending only the best of the best. We followed a specific method to determine which hot chocolate mixes made the cut on our list. First, we started with which categories to...
The Aldi Dessert Combo That's Causing A Hungerfest On Reddit
The Aldi Dessert Combo That's Causing A Hungerfest On Reddit
Reddit Most users praised the combo and described it as delicious. "I wish I had never tried them to be honest. Hooked," commented one Redditor about how this Aldi cookie became a new obsession. Another user said "those cookies are the business," and others mentioned in the...
The Unusual Ingredient You Should Be Adding To Brownies
The Unusual Ingredient You Should Be Adding To Brownies
Pixel-Shot/Shutterstock If you want impossibly fudgy, moist brownies, put down the extra butter you're contemplating tossing in, set aside that extra pile of chocolate, and instead add a generous amount of shredded zucchini, suggests Food. The culinary website has a recipe for zucchini brownies...