
What Will Happen if You Eat 2 Bananas a Day
Bananas are an incredibly popular food pretty much anywhere you go. Grown in 107 countries, they represent the fourth most valuable crop the world over. They are delicious ripe, cooked, dried, even slightly under-ripe. They are great plain but nicely complement ice cream, cereal, and yogurt....

10 Amazing Things That Happen When You Do Planks Every Day
Plank is one of the best exercises which has a lot of health benefits. Though plank looks quite easy to perform but it is not. This is a popular exercise which should be included in everyone’s workout routine. Many fitness freaks love to do planks as it can boost the level of your fitness. Some of...

Why Pineapple Is The Secret Weapon For Broadway Actors
beton studio/Shutterstock Vocal artists swear by a variety of throat-soothing remedies: warm lemon water with honey, steam, special teas, and lozenges. The aim of each of these methodologies is to hydrate and reduce inflammation in the throat. But Stephanie J. Block opts for eating pineapple to...

The Two Sauces Bobby Flay Always Needs On Hand
Goskova Tatiana/Shutterstock During an interview with Rachael Ray this week, chef and Food Network staple Bobby Flay disclosed the two sauces he always has on hand. The first one is an Italian red tomato sauce and the other is a sauce made with spicy red chile. Both sauces have the same base of...

12 Sweet Potato Hacks You'll Wish You Knew Sooner
Piyaset/Shutterstock One way to incorporate more sweet potatoes into your diet is by adding them to your garden, or starting one with sweet potatoes, so you can have easy access to this nutritious root vegetable. And it's easier to get started than you might think. With the right environment of...

Can You Really Make Salmon In A Toaster Oven?
Hodoimg/Shutterstock In May, The Smart Cookie Cook shared a classic toaster oven-baked salmon recipe that follows very similar motions to how you would bake a filet of salmon in a conventional oven. They both yield a tender, flakey filet, but because of the toaster oven's smaller size, it takes...

The Rarest Cheese You Can Find At Whole Foods
Noam Galai/Getty Images Though this specific cheese hails from England, you can find it right here at your local Whole Foods (per Instagram). It's called Keen's Cheddar, and only two producers in the world create it. In an Instagram video, Joey, a certified cheese professional from the American...

TikTok Isn't Impressed With This Avocado Hack
TikTok "So we just gonna ignore how he cut through the pit?" wonders a user in the comments for the TikTok video. But people have been paying attention. "I don't think I've ever seen anyone cut an avocado like that," said one person. "Can't trust the person who cuts the...

Andrew Zimmern's Knife Hacks Every Home Chef Should Know
YouTube He's already helped us change the way we slice onions forever, and now Andrew Zimmern is showing us how to perfect our knife skills. He first shows us how to cut batons. He starts with simple quarter slices of a cucumber, and makes quick work of those (via YouTube). He then takes those...

The Best Vegetarian Meal Delivery Services In 2022
sweet marshmallow/Shutterstock When it comes to plant-based meal-delivery services, you're not as limited as you'd think. We did find multiple companies that specialize in only this type of food. Others, as noted above, aren't solely dedicated to vegetarian or vegan offerings but do have meal...