Why Pineapple Is The Secret Weapon For Broadway Actors



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Vocal artists swear by a variety of throat-soothing remedies: warm lemon water with honey, steam, special teas, and lozenges. The aim of each of these methodologies is to hydrate and reduce inflammation in the throat. But Stephanie J. Block opts for eating pineapple to bring down the swelling in her vocal cords and to balance the acidity in her system, she told Grub Street.


According to Healthline, studies show "[pineapples] contain a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes such as bromelain that may collectively improve immunity and reduce inflammation." Oddly, though pineapple is considered acidic on the pH scale, some experts cited by Healthline also believe that the yellow-colored fruit has an alkalizing effect as the body digests it. Scientists specifically attribute this positive result for peformers to the bromelain enzyme.

The morning of a show day, Block eats a side of pineapple with her breakfast of "hash with eggs, sausage, potatoes, and shredded sharp cheddar cheese." Notably, it's recommended that vocalists avoid dairy products like cheese, but Block doesn't seem too bothered by it. Although she acknowledges that this part of her routine runs counter to common advice, she simply says, "It is what it is."

Her after-show snack also includes pineapple, with some raspberries and buttered toast, and pineapple appears again in her breakfast the next morning. Needless to say, the tropical fruit carries its weight and is a true essential in Block's routine.

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