Should You Be Adding Apple Cider Vinegar To Your Bone Broth?



Ahanov Michael/Shutterstock

While apple cider vinegar as a standalone ingredient potentially offers some health benefits like lowering blood sugar levels and aiding in weight loss efforts, there hasn't been enough research conducted to understand how a single shot of ACV can impact your overall wellness (per WebMD). However, ACV has been characterized as a great complementary ingredient when making bone broth. According to MasterClass, submerging the bones in water with a splash of acid like ACV or lemon juice minutes before bringing it to a simmer helps extract the collagen. Once the broth is brought to a simmer, the collagen breaks down over time, releasing amino acids, proteins, antioxidants, and other nutrients. However, there are many variations of bone broth, and the exact amount of nutrients will vary, per Healthline.

Bone broth's health benefits hinge on just how much you can extract from the bones – hence the brewing process can last up to 24 hours. What if you don't have ACV on hand? Your bone broth might not suffer without it. According to Grand View Farm, as long as you simmer the broth for the right amount of time, you'll still extract what you need from the bones. Nourished Kitchen says that smaller bones take less time, while larger bones require a lengthier brewing process. While making bone broth is a relatively hands-off process, getting it just right takes time.

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