The Reason You Should Mix In Cornstarch When Making Sugar Cookies



Olga Navarro/Shutterstock

While an ugly or messy sugar cookie might still taste good, a cleanly cut and meticulously decorated cookie somehow tastes better. According to The Kitchn, a good sugar cookie, like all other recipes, should begin with quality ingredients, especially when there are so few. Pure vanilla versus imitation along with a high-fat European butter will yield superior results.


A common issue with sugar cookie dough is its sticky consistency. Resist the urge to add more flour which will result in tougher cookies, and add cornstarch instead. For every cup of flour in the recipe, add two tablespoons of cornstarch before kneading the dough into a ball and allowing it to rest for 20 minutes. The cornstarch will make the dough less sticky and allows the cookies to hold their shape, preventing the dough from spreading once baked, although The Kitchn recommends placing the cut cookies in the freezer for "pristinely" cut cookies with sharp edges.

Once cooked and cooled, the fun begins. Using royal icing is said to be the perfect way to decorate cookies, although there are no rules when it comes to this part. Get the whole family involved and make a sweet memory by baking sugar cookies — whether it's a holiday or not.

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